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Apartamento T3 Duplex Invertido (Cozinha, sala de jantar/estar e te...

690 000 €
5 111 €/m²
Alcochete, Alcochete, Setúbal

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varanda garagem lavandaria


Apartamento T3 em Duplex Invertido (Cozinha, sala de jantar/estar e terraços no piso1)

Apartamento Duplex com 1 Master Suite , 1 Suite e 1 quarto Single .
Se sempre quis viver na pacata Vila de Alcochete, esta é a sua oportunidade.
Primoroso apartamento com detalhes de excelência desde a sua arquitectura contemporânea aos seus detalhes nos acabamentos, salientando o piso radiante em toda a casa, o conceito de casa inteligente com várias aplicações ao seu smartphone, exaustor da Bora Systems e terminando na vista privilegiada e desafogada.
Composto por:
Piso 0
3 quartos e 3 instalações sanitárias

Piso 1
Cozinha, totalmente equipada com electrodomésticos Siemens em open space com a sala com mais de 55m2.
Instalação Sanitária
Sala de lavagens e 2 Terraços 13 e 20 m2 (1 comunica com a cozinha o outro com a sala)

Na cave do Edifício

2 Lugares de garagem em box com 30m2

Cozinha ( totalmente equipada com electrodomésticos Siemens e Placa com exaustor embutido da Bora Systems)
Piso radiante em toda a casa
Ar Condicionado LG em todas as divisões com ligação WI-fi
Tectos falsos com iluminação Led incluindo varandas.
Caixilharia de aluminio com corte térmico e oscilo-batente
Estores eléctricos e térmicos
Vidros duplos Climalit/Planitherm
Central da iluminação
Central dos estores
Iluminação e estores inteligentes com possibilidade de ligar/desligar a partir do smartphone/ Criação de ambientes
Loiças Suspensas Roca
Torneiras Ghroe
Espelhos com iluminação Led e relógio nos WC
Aspiração central Aspilusa
Esquentador e painéis solares Vulcano
Venha aproveitar este magnifico apartamento com Classificação energética A+
Conclusão Maio de 2023

Proximidade a diversos supermercados, restauração, Escolas, farmácia, bombeiros, Freeport, Praia entre outros e acesso privilegiado aos diversos itinerários rodoviários ( Ponte Vasco Gama, A33 e A12)

Venha conhecer um apartamento que permite viver próximo da grande metrópole mas com o aconchego, sossego e qualidade de vida de uma Vila.

3 bedroom apartment in Inverted Duplex (Kitchen, dining/living room and terraces on the floor1)

Duplex Apartment with 1 Master Suite, 1 Suite and 1 Single Bedroom.
If you have always wanted to live in the quiet village of Alcochete, this is your opportunity.
Exquisite apartment with details of excellence from its contemporary architecture to its details in the finishes, highlighting the underfloor heating throughout the house, the concept of smart home with various applications to your smartphone, Bora Systems hood and ending in the privileged and unobstructed view.
Composed by:
Floor 0
3 bedrooms and 3 sanitary facilities

Floor 1
Kitchen, fully equipped with Siemens appliances in open space with the living room with more than 55m2.
Sanitary Installation
Washing room and 2 Terraces 13 and 20 m2 (1 communicates with the kitchen the other with the living room)

In the basement of the Building

2 Parking spaces in box with 30m2

Kitchen (fully equipped with Siemens appliances and Built-in hood hob from Bora Systems)
Underfloor heating throughout the house
LG Air Conditioner in all rooms with WI-fi connection
False ceilings with Led lighting including balconies.
Aluminum frames with thermal cut and oscillation-stop
Electric and thermal blinds
Double glazing Climalit/Planitherm
Lighting Center
Blinds Central
Smart lighting and blinds with the possibility of on/off from the smartphone/ Creating environments
Hanging Crockery Roca
Ghroe Faucets
Mirrors with Led lighting and clock in the toilets
Aspilusa central vacuum
Vulcan water heater and solar panels
Come and enjoy this magnificent apartment with energy rating A+
Conclusion May 2023

Proximity to several supermarkets, restaurants, schools, pharmacy, firefighters, Freeport, Beach among others and privileged access to the various road itineraries (Vasco Gama Bridge, A33 and A12)

Come and meet an apartment that allows you to live close to the great metropolis but with the warmth, quiet and quality of life of a Village.

Appartement de 3 chambres en duplex inversé (cuisine, salle à manger/salon et terrasses à l'étage1)

Appartement Duplex avec 1 Suite Principale, 1 Suite et 1 Chambre Simple.
Si vous avez toujours voulu vivre dans le paisible village d'Alcochete, c'est votre chance.
Appartement exquis avec des détails d'excellence de son architecture contemporaine à ses détails dans les finitions, mettant en évidence le chauffage par le sol dans toute la maison, le concept de maison intelligente avec diverses applications à votre smartphone, hotte Bora Systems et se terminant dans la vue privilégiée et dégagée.
Composé par :
Étage 0
3 chambres et 3 sanitaires

Étage 1
Cuisine, entièrement équipée avec des appareils Siemens en espace ouvert avec le salon avec plus de 55m2.
Installation sanitaire
Buanderie et 2 terrasses 13 et 20 m2 (1 communique avec la cuisine l'autre avec le salon)

Au sous-sol du bâtiment

2 places de parking en box avec 30m2

Cuisine (entièrement équipée avec des appareils Siemens et une plaque de hotte intégrée de Bora Systems)
Chauffage par le sol dans toute la maison
Climatiseur LG dans toutes les chambres avec connexion WI-fi
Faux plafonds avec éclairage LED, y compris les balcons.
Cadres en aluminium avec coupe thermique et butée d'oscillation
Stores électriques et thermiques
Double vitrage Climalit/Planitherm
Centre d'éclairage
Stores centraux
Éclairage intelligent et stores avec possibilité d'allumer / éteindre depuis le smartphone / Création d'environnements
Vaisselle suspendue Roca
Robinets Ghroe
Miroirs avec éclairage Led et horloge dans les toilettes
Aspirateur central Aspilusa
Chauffe-eau et panneaux solaires Vulcan
Venez profiter de ce magnifique appartement avec la cote énergétique A+
Conclusion mai 2023

Proximité de plusieurs supermarchés, restaurants, écoles, pharmacie, pompiers, Freeport, Plage entre autres et accès privilégié aux différents itinéraires routiers (pont Vasco Gama, A33 et A12)

Venez rencontrer un appartement qui vous permet de vivre à proximité de la grande métropole mais avec la chaleur, le calme et la qualité de vie d'un Village.

3-Zimmer-Wohnung in umgekehrter Maisonette (Küche, Ess-/Wohnzimmer und Terrassen auf der Etage1)

Maisonette-Apartment mit 1 Master-Suite, 1 Suite und 1 Einzelzimmer.
Wenn Sie schon immer im ruhigen Dorf Alcochete leben wollten, ist dies Ihre Gelegenheit.
Exquisite Wohnung mit Details der Exzellenz von seiner zeitgenössischen Architektur bis zu seinen Details in den Oberflächen, die die Fußbodenheizung im ganzen Haus hervorheben, das Konzept des Smart Home mit verschiedenen Anwendungen für Ihr Smartphone, Bora Systems Haube und endet in der privilegierten und ungehinderten Sicht.
Bestehend aus:
Etage 0
3 Schlafzimmer und 3 Sanitäranlagen

Etage 1
Küche, komplett ausgestattet mit Siemens-Geräten im offenen Raum mit dem Wohnzimmer mit mehr als 55m2.
Sanitäre Installation
Waschraum und 2 Terrassen 13 und 20 m2 (1 kommuniziert mit der Küche, die andere mit dem Wohnzimmer)

Im Untergeschoss des Gebäudes

2 Parkplätze im Kasten mit 30m2

Küche (komplett ausgestattet mit Siemens-Geräten und Einbauhaubenkochfeld von Bora Systems)
Fußbodenheizung im ganzen Haus
LG Klimaanlage in allen Zimmern mit WI-Fi-Verbindung
Zwischendecken mit LED-Beleuchtung einschließlich Balkonen.
Aluminiumrahmen mit thermischem Schnitt und Oszillationsstopp
Elektrische und thermische Jalousien
Doppelverglasung Climalit/Planitherm
Jalousien zentral
Intelligente Beleuchtung und Jalousien mit der Möglichkeit des Ein- und Ausschaltens vom Smartphone / Erstellen von Umgebungen
Hängendes Geschirr Roca
Ghroe Wasserhähne
Spiegel mit LED-Beleuchtung und Uhr in den Toiletten
Aspilusa Zentralstaubsauger
Vulcanischer Warmwasserbereiter und Sonnenkollektoren
Kommen Sie und genießen Sie diese herrliche Wohnung mit der Energieeffizienzklasse A+
Fazit Mai 2023

Nähe zu mehreren Supermärkten, Restaurants, Schulen, Apotheken, Feuerwehrleuten, Freeport, Strand und privilegiertem Zugang zu den verschiedenen Straßenrouten (Vasco Gama Brücke, A33 und A12)

Kommen Sie und lernen Sie eine Wohnung kennen, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, in der Nähe der großen Metropole zu leben, aber mit der Wärme, Ruhe und Lebensqualität eines Dorfes.


精致的公寓拥有从现代建筑到饰面细节的卓越细节,突出了整个房屋的地板采暖,智能家居的概念以及各种智能手机应用程序,Bora Systems引擎盖,并以特权和一览无余的视野结束
楼层 0




带 LED 照明的假天花板,包括阳台
快来享受这个能源等级为A +的宏伟公寓
结论 2023 年 5 月


Categoria Energética: A

3 bedroom apartment in Inverted Duplex (Kitchen, dining/living room and terraces on the floor1)

Duplex Apartment with 1 Master Suite, 1 Suite and 1 Single Bedroom.
If you have always wanted to live in the quiet village of Alcochete, this is your opportunity.
Exquisite apartment with details of excellence from its contemporary architecture to its details in the finishes, highlighting the underfloor heating throughout the house, the concept of smart home with various applications to your smartphone, Bora Systems hood and ending in the privileged and unobstructed view.
Composed by:
Floor 0
3 bedrooms and 3 sanitary facilities

Floor 1
Kitchen, fully equipped with Siemens appliances in open space with the living room with more than 55m2.
Sanitary Installation
Washing room and 2 Terraces 13 and 20 m2 (1 communicates with the kitchen the other with the living room)

In the basement of the Building

2 Parking spaces in box with 30m2

Kitchen (fully equipped with Siemens appliances and Built-in hood hob from Bora Systems)
Underfloor heating throughout the house
LG Air Conditioner in all rooms with WI-fi connection
False ceilings with Led lighting including balconies.
Aluminum frames with thermal cut and oscillation-stop
Electric and thermal blinds
Double glazing Climalit/Planitherm
Lighting Center
Blinds Central
Smart lighting and blinds with the possibility of on/off from the smartphone/ Creating environments
Hanging Crockery Roca
Ghroe Faucets
Mirrors with Led lighting and clock in the toilets
Aspilusa central vacuum
Vulcan water heater and solar panels
Come and enjoy this magnificent apartment with energy rating A+
Conclusion May 2023

Proximity to several supermarkets, restaurants, schools, pharmacy, firefighters, Freeport, Beach among others and privileged access to the various road itineraries (Vasco Gama Bridge, A33 and A12)

Come and meet an apartment that allows you to live close to the great metropolis but with the warmth, quiet and quality of life of a Village.
Energy Rating: A

Atualizado: 16.10.2024

Adicionado: 15.10.2024

ID: 18505664

Referência interna: MAGTENTADORA_2024101502

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Logotipo: Magnólia Tentadora
Magnólia Tentadora
Avenida corregedor Rodrigo Dias,315,rc, 2870-153, Montijo e Afonsoeiro, Montijo, Setúbal

Magnolia Tentadora

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