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Armazém Novo com 385 m2 na Póvoa de Varzim

2 000 €/mês
Rua do Bairro, Rates, Póvoa de Varzim, Porto

Pavilhão/armazém para arrendar

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Armazém Novo com 385 m2.

Inserido numa zona industrial com boa localização e em zona bastante resguardada, com bons acessos à A28 e A7.

O portão do armazém tem 4,25 de altura e 4,80 m de Largura.

Armazém novo e pronto a iniciar atividade, com zona muito ampla e com zona de escritório, Wc, balneário e outras divisões.

Com potencial para vários tipos de negócio.

Venha conhecer o local onde pode instalar a sua empresa.

New warehouse with 385 m2.

Located in an industrial area with a good location and in a very sheltered area, with good access to the A28 and A7.

The warehouse gate is 4.25 m high and 4.80 m wide.

New warehouse ready to start activity, with a very large area and an office area, toilet, changing room and other rooms.

With potential for various types of business.

Come and see the place where you can set up your company.

Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, dispomos de um vasto conhecimento do mercado imobiliário da região, com especial foco em Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim.
Em todos os negócios deixamos uma ligação de amizade e satisfação, mas também um sentimento de confiança e transparência, além do sentimento familiar e pessoal que não se explica, sente-se.

Somos naturais de Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim, por isso, sabemos bem qual o tipo de vizinhança que melhor se enquadra na sua família e no tipo de investimento que pretende realizar.

Como intermediários oficiais de crédito, estamos a par das condições e requisitos necessários à obtenção do melhor crédito habitação possível.
Encarregamo-nos de todo o processo burocrático à realização da compra/venda, tudo, para que se preocupe apenas com uma coisa:

Quando quer começar as mudanças?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighborhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, tenemos un vasto conocimiento del mercado inmobiliario de la región, con especial foco en Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim.

En todos los negocios dejamos un vínculo de amistad y satisfacción, pero también un sentimiento de confianza y transparencia, además del sentimiento familiar y personal que no se explica. Siéntate.

Somos de Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, por lo que sabemos muy bien qué tipo de barrio se adapta mejor a tu familia y el tipo de inversión que quieres realizar.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

Nos encargamos de todo el proceso burocrático para realizar la compra / venta, de todo, para que tú solo puedas preocuparte de una cosa:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de la région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d'amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s'explique pas. S'asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d'investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu'intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l'achat/la vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d'une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Categoria Energética: C

New warehouse with 385 m2.

Inserted in an industrial area with a good location and in a very sheltered area, with good access to the A28 and A7.

The warehouse gate is 4.25 m high and 4.80 m wide.

New warehouse ready to start activity, with a very large area and with an office area, toilet, changing room and other rooms.

With potential for various types of business.

Come and see the place where you can set up your company.

New warehouse with 385 m2.

Located in an industrial area with a good location and in a very sheltered area, with good access to the A28 and A7.

The warehouse gate is 4.25 m high and 4.80 m wide.

New warehouse ready to start activity, with a very large area and an office area, toilet, changing room and other rooms.

With potential for various types of business.

Come and see the place where you can set up your company.

Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With more than 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.
In all businesses we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained, it is felt.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know well which type of neighbourhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best possible mortgage.
We take care of all the bureaucratic process to make the purchase/sale, everything, so that you only have to worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighbourhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With more than 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all business we have a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, as well as a family and personal feeling that is not explained. Siéntate.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well what type of neighbourhood adapts best to your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we know the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best possible mortgage service.

We take charge of all the bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase / sale, of all, so that you can only worry about a thing:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de lah région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d'amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s'explique pas. S'asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d'investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu'intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occoupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l'achat/lah vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d'une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Energy Rating: C

Atualizado: 8.10.2024

Adicionado: 8.10.2024

ID: 18496623

Referência interna: vc/6032

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Rua do Bairro, Rates, Póvoa de Varzim, Porto

Sobre o vendedor

Logotipo: Beatriz Imobiliaria
Beatriz Imobiliaria
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 1234, 4480-670

Beatriz Imobiliaria

Anúncio Profissional

Armazém para arrendarPortoPóvoa de VarzimRatesArmazém Novo com 385 m2 na Póvoa de Varzim
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