Imóvel Comercial para comprar
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Loja inserida no piso térreo e cave de prédio de placa de 1967, com oito pisos. A loja foi reabilitada em 2012 e encontra-se em excelente estado de conservação. Os pisos comunicam por escadaria interna com mais 1,20 m de largura. A cave tem iluminação natural e ventilação não forçada, e as duas casas de banho encontram-se neste piso. Toda a estrutura da cave é um open space, tal como o piso térreo, e as divisões existentes são facilmente removíveis. A loja tem a fachada frontel virada a Sul, distando 50 metros do supermercado El Corte Inglés do Restelo Business Center.
Store located on the ground floor and basement of a 1967 building, with eight floors. The store was rehabilitated in 2012 and is in excellent condition. The floors connect via an internal staircase measuring over 1.20 m wide. The basement has natural lighting and unforced ventilation, and the two bathrooms are located on this floor. The entire basement structure is an open space, just like the ground floor, and the existing rooms are easily removable. The store has a south-facing facade and is located 50 meters away from the El Corte Inglés supermarket in the Restelo Business Center.
Categoria Energética: B-
Store located on the ground floor and basement of a 1967 building, with eight floors. The store was rehabilitated in 2012 and is in excellent condition. The floors connect via an internal staircase measuring over 1.20 m wide. The basement has natural lighting and unforced ventilation, and the two bathrooms are located on this floor. The entire basement structure is an open space, just like the ground floor, and the existing rooms are easily removable. The store has a south-facing facade and is located 50 meters away from the El Corte Inglés supermarket in the Restelo Business Center.
Categoria Energética: B-
Atualizado: 7.12.2024
Adicionado: 8.10.2024
ID: 18496611
Referência interna: 011240164
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