Moradia V3 Contemporânea - Em Construção - Foros De Salvaterra - 33...
339 000 €
1 995 €/m²
Casa para comprar
Tipo de imóvel:
sem informação
Fase de acabamento:
sem informação
Nova construção:
Disponível a partir de:
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Tipo de anunciante:
Despesas adicionais:
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sem informação
Informações adicionais:
Ano de construção:
Certificado energético:
Área do terreno:
1153.4 m²
Com Possibilidade de alteração de Tipologia.
Área bruta 201.00m2
Área terreno 1153.40m2
O imóvel é composto por:
Cozinha e sala open space
Wc Comum
2 Quartos
1 Suite c closet
Churrasqueira coberta
Possibilidade de construção de piscina de 8x4 (com acréscimo de valor).
Outras caraterísticas :
Estrutura principal em aço S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Estrutura secundária em aço galvanizado enformado
Revestimentos das fachadas com painel sandwich e revestido exterior com capoto.
Cobertura: lage em chapa em betão e cobertura em painel sandwich
Divisórias interiores em pladur e com isolamento térmico e acústico
caixilharia em PVC e com vidro duplo
termo sifão 300lts e 2 painéis solares para aquecimento águas sanitárias.
Pré instalação de AC
Pré instalação de VMC
Pré instalação domótica
Nas redondezas irá encontrar todo o tipo de serviços e utilidades: próximo de transportes públicos, farmácia, espaços verdes, escolas e autoestrada.
Agende já a sua visita.
With Possibility of changing the Typology.
Gross Area 201.00m2
Land area 1153.40m2
The property consists of:
Open space kitchen and living room
Common Toilet
2 Bedrooms
1 Suite w/closet
Covered barbecue
Possibility of building an 8x4 swimming pool (with added value).
Other characteristics :
Main steel frame S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Secondary structure in formed galvanised steel
Facade cladding with sandwich panel and exterior coating with hood.
Roof: concrete sheet metal slab and sandwich panel cover
Interior partitions in plasterboard and with thermal and acoustic insulation
PVC and double-glazed frames
300lts siphon thermo and 2 solar panels for heating sanitary water.
AC Pre-Installation
VMC Pre-Installation
Pre-installation of home automation
In the vicinity you will find all kinds of services and utilities: close to public transport, pharmacy, green spaces, schools and motorway.
Schedule your visit now.
Avec possibilité de changer la typologie.
Surface brute 201.00m2
Superficie du terrain 1153.40m2
La propriété se compose de :
Cuisine et salon à aire ouverte
Toilettes communes
2 Chambres
1 suite avec placard
Barbecue couvert
Possibilité de construire une piscine 8x4 (avec valeur ajoutée).
Autres caractéristiques :
Châssis principal en acier S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Structure secondaire en acier galvanisé moulé
Revêtement de façade avec panneau sandwich et revêtement extérieur avec hotte.
Toiture : dalle de tôle de béton et couverture en panneaux sandwich
Cloisons intérieures en plaques de plâtre et avec isolation thermique et acoustique
Châssis PVC et double vitrage
Siphon thermo 300lts et 2 panneaux solaires pour le chauffage de l'eau sanitaire.
Pré-installation AC
Pré-installation VMC
Pré-installation de la domotique
Dans les environs, vous trouverez toutes sortes de services et de services publics : à proximité des transports en commun, de la pharmacie, des espaces verts, des écoles et de l'autoroute.
Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant.
Categoria Energética: A
With Possibility of changing the Typology.
Gross Area 201.00m2
Land area 1153.40m2
The property consists of:
Open space kitchen and living room
Common Toilet
2 Bedrooms
1 Suite w/closet
Covered barbecue
Possibility of building an 8x4 swimming pool (with added value).
Other characteristics :
Main steel frame S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Secondary structure in formed galvanised steel
Facade cladding with sandwich panel and exterior coating with hood.
Roof: concrete sheet metal slab and sandwich panel cover
Interior partitions in plasterboard and with thermal and acoustic insulation
PVC and double-glazed frames
300lts siphon thermo and 2 solar panels for heating sanitary water.
AC Pre-Installation
VMC Pre-Installation
Pre-installation of home automation
In the vicinity you will find all kinds of services and utilities: close to public transport, pharmacy, green spaces, schools and motorway.
Schedule your visit now.
Energy Rating: A
Com Possibilidade de alteração de Tipologia.
Área bruta 201.00m2
Área terreno 1153.40m2
O imóvel é composto por:
Cozinha e sala open space
Wc Comum
2 Quartos
1 Suite c closet
Churrasqueira coberta
Possibilidade de construção de piscina de 8x4 (com acréscimo de valor).
Outras caraterísticas :
Estrutura principal em aço S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Estrutura secundária em aço galvanizado enformado
Revestimentos das fachadas com painel sandwich e revestido exterior com capoto.
Cobertura: lage em chapa em betão e cobertura em painel sandwich
Divisórias interiores em pladur e com isolamento térmico e acústico
caixilharia em PVC e com vidro duplo
termo sifão 300lts e 2 painéis solares para aquecimento águas sanitárias.
Pré instalação de AC
Pré instalação de VMC
Pré instalação domótica
Nas redondezas irá encontrar todo o tipo de serviços e utilidades: próximo de transportes públicos, farmácia, espaços verdes, escolas e autoestrada.
Agende já a sua visita.
With Possibility of changing the Typology.
Gross Area 201.00m2
Land area 1153.40m2
The property consists of:
Open space kitchen and living room
Common Toilet
2 Bedrooms
1 Suite w/closet
Covered barbecue
Possibility of building an 8x4 swimming pool (with added value).
Other characteristics :
Main steel frame S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Secondary structure in formed galvanised steel
Facade cladding with sandwich panel and exterior coating with hood.
Roof: concrete sheet metal slab and sandwich panel cover
Interior partitions in plasterboard and with thermal and acoustic insulation
PVC and double-glazed frames
300lts siphon thermo and 2 solar panels for heating sanitary water.
AC Pre-Installation
VMC Pre-Installation
Pre-installation of home automation
In the vicinity you will find all kinds of services and utilities: close to public transport, pharmacy, green spaces, schools and motorway.
Schedule your visit now.
Avec possibilité de changer la typologie.
Surface brute 201.00m2
Superficie du terrain 1153.40m2
La propriété se compose de :
Cuisine et salon à aire ouverte
Toilettes communes
2 Chambres
1 suite avec placard
Barbecue couvert
Possibilité de construire une piscine 8x4 (avec valeur ajoutée).
Autres caractéristiques :
Châssis principal en acier S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Structure secondaire en acier galvanisé moulé
Revêtement de façade avec panneau sandwich et revêtement extérieur avec hotte.
Toiture : dalle de tôle de béton et couverture en panneaux sandwich
Cloisons intérieures en plaques de plâtre et avec isolation thermique et acoustique
Châssis PVC et double vitrage
Siphon thermo 300lts et 2 panneaux solaires pour le chauffage de l'eau sanitaire.
Pré-installation AC
Pré-installation VMC
Pré-installation de la domotique
Dans les environs, vous trouverez toutes sortes de services et de services publics : à proximité des transports en commun, de la pharmacie, des espaces verts, des écoles et de l'autoroute.
Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant.
Categoria Energética: A
With Possibility of changing the Typology.
Gross Area 201.00m2
Land area 1153.40m2
The property consists of:
Open space kitchen and living room
Common Toilet
2 Bedrooms
1 Suite w/closet
Covered barbecue
Possibility of building an 8x4 swimming pool (with added value).
Other characteristics :
Main steel frame S275JR : 10025 - 2 : 2005
Secondary structure in formed galvanised steel
Facade cladding with sandwich panel and exterior coating with hood.
Roof: concrete sheet metal slab and sandwich panel cover
Interior partitions in plasterboard and with thermal and acoustic insulation
PVC and double-glazed frames
300lts siphon thermo and 2 solar panels for heating sanitary water.
AC Pre-Installation
VMC Pre-Installation
Pre-installation of home automation
In the vicinity you will find all kinds of services and utilities: close to public transport, pharmacy, green spaces, schools and motorway.
Schedule your visit now.
Energy Rating: A
ID: 18648292
Referência interna: TOPM864
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