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Terreno integrado no GeoParque da Meseta Meridional
160 000 €
27 €/m²
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6.000 m²
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Integrado na rota dos fósseis e integrado no GEOPARQUE da Meseta Meridional classificado como património mundial pela UNESCO. O Geo-sítio dos icnofósseis de Penha Garcia que datam de hà 500 milhões de anos é o ex-líbres do GEOPARQUE. Podem ser visitados através do percurso pedonal 'A Rota dos Fósseis' cujo traçado passa numa extensão de 300 a 500 metros, junto do terreno. Penha Garcia é considerada neste momento uma Vila Histórica e ponto de grande interesse turístico. Visitaram Penha Garcia durante os últimos 6 meses cerca de 10mil pessoas. Junto ao terreno a cerca de 150metros está montada uma 'Escola de Escalada' com 40 vias, desde a iniciação à alta competição. Tem sido frequentada por muitos escaladores nacionais e espanhóis (um mercado a considerar). Possibilidade de construção de um parque de campismo RURAL ( rio Ponsul e moinhos de água a 15/20 metros). (Ref. 744)
Integrated in the fossils route and part of the GEOPARQUE of Meseta Meridional classified as world heritage by UNESCO. The Penha Garcia ichnofossils geosite, which dates back to 500 million years ago, is the ex-libris of the GEOPARQUE. They can be visited through the footpath 'The Fossils Route' which goes from 300 to 500 meters along the terrain. Penha Garcia is currently considered a historical village and a point of great touristic interest. During the last 6 months, about 10,000 people have visited Penha Garcia. Near the terrain, about 150 meters away, there is a climbing school with 40 routes, from beginners to high competition. It has been frequented by many national and Spanish climbers (a market to consider). Possibility of building a RURAL campsite (Ponsul river and water mills at 15/20 metres). (Ref. 744)
Integrated in the fossils route and part of the GEOPARQUE of Meseta Meridional classified as world heritage by UNESCO. The Penha Garcia ichnofossils geosite, which dates back to 500 million years ago, is the ex-libris of the GEOPARQUE. They can be visited through the footpath 'The Fossils Route' which goes from 300 to 500 meters along the terrain. Penha Garcia is currently considered a historical village and a point of great touristic interest. During the last 6 months, about 10,000 people have visited Penha Garcia. Near the terrain, about 150 meters away, there is a climbing school with 40 routes, from beginners to high competition. It has been frequented by many national and Spanish climbers (a market to consider). Possibility of building a RURAL campsite (Ponsul river and water mills at 15/20 metres). (Ref. 744)
Atualizado: 7.11.2024
Adicionado: 5.03.2020
ID: 15330392
Referência interna: 744
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Terreno para comprarCastelo BrancoIdanha-a-NovaPenha GarciaTerreno integrado no GeoParque da Meseta Meridional