Terreno Portimão, Com Projeto Aprovado Para Prédio Habitacional
750 000 €
1 974 €/m²
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380 m²
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Lote de terreno destinado a construção de um prédio situado na Bemposta, em Portimão. Vendido com projeto de arquitetura aprovado
A entrada do prédio será realizada por uma rampa orgânica envolvido pelos jardins. Os alçados foram concebidos de maneira a ter agradáveis varandas circulares, envolvidas pelos canteiros e guardas metálicas para proporcionar mais luminosidade às habitações.
Com uma área de implantação de 238 m2 e uma área de construção de 1562 m2, o prédio será distribuído em 6 pisos acima do solo, com 1 loja, 7 apartamentos de tipologia T2 e 4 de tipologia T3. A cave do prédio é destinada à garagens e arrecadações. Na cobertura poderão ser colocados painéis solares e uma piscina de uso privativo dos dois apartamentos do último piso.
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REFª LT-5174
Plot of land intended for the construction of a building located in Bemposta, in Portimão. Sold with approved architectural design
The entrance to the building will be through an organic ramp surrounded by the gardens. The elevations were designed to have pleasant circular balconies, surrounded by flowerbeds and metal guards to provide more light to the dwellings.
With an implantation area of 238 m2 and a construction area of 1562 m2, the building will be distributed on 6 floors above ground, with 1 store, 7 T2 apartments and 4 T3 apartments. The basement of the building is intended for garages and storage rooms. Solar panels and a swimming pool can be placed on the roof for the private use of the two rooftop apartments.
Please contact me for more information
REF. LT-5174
Terrain destiné à la construction d'un bâtiment situé à Bemposta, à Portimão. Vendu avec une conception architecturale approuvée
L'entrée du bâtiment se fera par une rampe organique entourée des jardins. Les élévations ont été conçues pour avoir d'agréables balcons circulaires, entourés de parterres de fleurs et de gardes métalliques pour apporter plus de lumière aux logements.
D'une surface d'implantation de 238 m2 et d'une surface de construction de 1562 m2, le bâtiment sera réparti sur 6 étages hors sol, avec 1 magasin, 7 appartements T2 et 4 appartements T3. Le sous-sol de l'immeuble est destiné aux garages et aux débarras. Des panneaux solaires et une piscine peuvent être placés sur le toit pour l'usage privé des deux appartements sur le toit.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'informations
RÉF. LT-5174
Categoria Energética: Isento
Plot of land intended for the construction of a building located in Bemposta, in Portimão. Sold with approved architectural design
The entrance to the building will be through an organic ramp surrounded by the gardens. The elevations were designed to have pleasant circular balconies, surrounded by flowerbeds and metal guards to provide more light to the dwellings.
With an implantation area of 238 m2 and a construction area of 1562 m2, the building will be distributed on 6 floors above ground, with 1 store, 7 T2 apartments and 4 T3 apartments. The basement of the building is intended for garages and storage rooms. Solar panels and a swimming pool can be placed on the roof for the private use of the two rooftop apartments.
Please contact me for more information
REF. LT-5174
Energy Rating: Exempt
A entrada do prédio será realizada por uma rampa orgânica envolvido pelos jardins. Os alçados foram concebidos de maneira a ter agradáveis varandas circulares, envolvidas pelos canteiros e guardas metálicas para proporcionar mais luminosidade às habitações.
Com uma área de implantação de 238 m2 e uma área de construção de 1562 m2, o prédio será distribuído em 6 pisos acima do solo, com 1 loja, 7 apartamentos de tipologia T2 e 4 de tipologia T3. A cave do prédio é destinada à garagens e arrecadações. Na cobertura poderão ser colocados painéis solares e uma piscina de uso privativo dos dois apartamentos do último piso.
Entre em contacto comigo para mais informações
REFª LT-5174
Plot of land intended for the construction of a building located in Bemposta, in Portimão. Sold with approved architectural design
The entrance to the building will be through an organic ramp surrounded by the gardens. The elevations were designed to have pleasant circular balconies, surrounded by flowerbeds and metal guards to provide more light to the dwellings.
With an implantation area of 238 m2 and a construction area of 1562 m2, the building will be distributed on 6 floors above ground, with 1 store, 7 T2 apartments and 4 T3 apartments. The basement of the building is intended for garages and storage rooms. Solar panels and a swimming pool can be placed on the roof for the private use of the two rooftop apartments.
Please contact me for more information
REF. LT-5174
Terrain destiné à la construction d'un bâtiment situé à Bemposta, à Portimão. Vendu avec une conception architecturale approuvée
L'entrée du bâtiment se fera par une rampe organique entourée des jardins. Les élévations ont été conçues pour avoir d'agréables balcons circulaires, entourés de parterres de fleurs et de gardes métalliques pour apporter plus de lumière aux logements.
D'une surface d'implantation de 238 m2 et d'une surface de construction de 1562 m2, le bâtiment sera réparti sur 6 étages hors sol, avec 1 magasin, 7 appartements T2 et 4 appartements T3. Le sous-sol de l'immeuble est destiné aux garages et aux débarras. Des panneaux solaires et une piscine peuvent être placés sur le toit pour l'usage privé des deux appartements sur le toit.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'informations
RÉF. LT-5174
Categoria Energética: Isento
Plot of land intended for the construction of a building located in Bemposta, in Portimão. Sold with approved architectural design
The entrance to the building will be through an organic ramp surrounded by the gardens. The elevations were designed to have pleasant circular balconies, surrounded by flowerbeds and metal guards to provide more light to the dwellings.
With an implantation area of 238 m2 and a construction area of 1562 m2, the building will be distributed on 6 floors above ground, with 1 store, 7 T2 apartments and 4 T3 apartments. The basement of the building is intended for garages and storage rooms. Solar panels and a swimming pool can be placed on the roof for the private use of the two rooftop apartments.
Please contact me for more information
REF. LT-5174
Energy Rating: Exempt
ID: 18042125
Referência interna: LT-5175
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Vista PlazaTerreno para comprarFaroPortimãoPortimãoTerreno Portimão, Com Projeto Aprovado Para Prédio Habitacional